Dr. Sheila Shellorn
General Family Dentistry Practice

Continuing Education

Dr. Shellborn and the team are committed to continuing their dental education. All staff members participate in ongoing educational upgrading in the many facets of dentistry.

The staff takes pride in keeping current on every thing dental; each member of the staff is knowledgeable in more than simply their particular area of practice. The staff feels it is important that patients feel comfortable approaching any member of the team with questions and dental concerns.

Dr. Shellborn and the team attend seminars in order to keep informed and educated on various topics relating to dentistry including dental techniques, materials, sterilization protocols and patient care.

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    Dr. Sheila Shellborn
    Bow Valley Square 1
    Suite 370, 202 - 6th Avenue SW
    Calgary, AB
    T2P 2R9
    Tel: 403.265.2400
    Fax: 403.262.3168
    Email us HERE