Dr. Sheila Shellorn
General Family Dentistry Practice


The use of composite tooth coloured material has been in practice for generations. However, today’s materials are so highly evolved they now appear much more natural and possess increased strength and longevity as well as being more resistant to staining.

Bonded restorations are used to lighten and mask discoloured teeth, straighten or lengthen teeth, close gaps between teeth and repair chips and cracks. Often the procedure can be performed with little or no tooth preparation and usually without anesthetic. The preferred shade of material is selected and then the composite material is molded to the chosen shape. Once cured the restoration is polished to give the appearance of natural tooth enamel.

Although not as durable or permanent as some restorative techniques, bonding offers a cost effective solution and the results can be impressive. Occasionally the dentist may recommend a patient "try bonding on for size" before advancing to the more permanent and comprehensive Smile Design.

Click on the following link to learn more about bonding:


Our Dentist

Dr. Sheila Shellborn
Bow Valley Square 1
Suite 370, 202 - 6th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB
T2P 2R9
Tel: 403.265.2400
Fax: 403.262.3168
Email us HERE